Sunday, August 12, 2012


I came across a very interesting video found on YouTube.  It is author Roger Bourke White Jr.'s new genre of science fiction called Technofiction.  He describes it in his video as a science fact kind of writing where the science is a major part of the story.  The science has to be researched and real.  He lists some examples in his video which I find very interesting because I feel this type of storytelling is more entertaining and believable to the reader.  It peaks ones curiosity about science.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jules Verne

I have always had a fascination with science fiction and Jules Verne is the person who pioneered the genre.  He talked about things such as air travel and underwater sea travel before it was even invented.  He has a facebook page which is full of information about his life and adventures.
Even though he is not with us anymore he does have quite an interesting facebook page.  The picture on the front is one from Journey to the Center of the Earth and his page is full of facts about his life and his works.  With 189 thousand likes he is definitely still a popular author today.  That is the true love of Science Fiction, you are only limited by your imagination and you can take it as far as you want it to go.